
Message from past Vestax user_5

We received a heartwarming message from past Vestax user.

[the text]

I’ve been mixing music since the age of 16, my first set of decks and a mixer were on the cheap side (Gemini mixer/turntables) and I had a blast learning how to do the basics on that equipment. But then when I “felt ready” to graduate to equipment more suitable to my developing style I chose a (VESTAX PMC 03-A)mixer and technics turntables with ortafon Concorde stylus (blue) and as I matured behind those desks I bought better equipment that included the VESTAX PMC-15 and vestax turntables as I was now mixing on 4 channels as a “house music” DJ. I had that pmc-15 for about 3 years taking it to clubs and house party’s all over Florida I loved the way it sounded. And then finally FINALLY when I had enough money and was ready to get my dream mixer the (VESTAX PMC-46-mk2) the mixer was no longer available and the vestax Corp. went in a different direction, catering to the new “c.d. D.J phenom. Which is ok for some but I’m a vinyl purest, so I was unfortunately forced to go to other company’s for my mixers. Although somewhere in my heart I still want a vestax mixer. And I’ll tell you this with all honesty and sincerity, I would be the happiest DJ alive if I could get my hands on the new mixer that StpVESTAX is developing. The weight and construction look second to none. It’s like the Loro piana of mixers. The only thing it’s missing is baby shearling sides and a vicuña top.
I think I’m in love with it.